Com que veig que els senyors de goear ara es dediquen a fer publicitat, us deixo l'enllaç al Spoti (serà molt que l'obriu per escoltar-la i també aparegui l'anunci...)
Here-I-go... Ehem... *singing*
You want to know why I hate you?
Well I'll try and explain...
You remember that day in Paris
When we wandered through the rain
And promised to each other
That we'd always think the same
And dreamed that dream
To be two souls as one
And stopped just as the sun set
And waited for the night
Outside a glittering building
Of glittering glass and burning light...
And in the road before us
Stood a weary greyish man
Who held a child upon his back
A small boy by the hand
The three of them were dressed in rags
And thinner than the air
And all six eyes stared fixedly on you
The father's eyes said "Beautiful!
How beautiful you are!"
The boy's eyes said
"How beautiful!
She shimmers like a star!"
The childs eyes uttered nothing
But a mute and utter joy
And filled my heart with shame for us
At the way we are
I turned to look at you
To read my thoughts upon your face
And gazed so deep into your eyes
So beautiful and strange
Until you spoke
And showed me understanding is a dream
"I hate these people staring
Make them go away from me!"
The fathers eyes said "Beautiful!
How beautiful you are!"
The boys eyes said
"How beautiful! She glitters like a star!"
The child's eyes uttered joy
And stilled my heart with sadness
For the way we are
And this is why I hate you
And how I understand
That no-one ever knows or loves another
Or loves another
Well I'll try and explain...
You remember that day in Paris
When we wandered through the rain
And promised to each other
That we'd always think the same
And dreamed that dream
To be two souls as one
And stopped just as the sun set
And waited for the night
Outside a glittering building
Of glittering glass and burning light...
And in the road before us
Stood a weary greyish man
Who held a child upon his back
A small boy by the hand
The three of them were dressed in rags
And thinner than the air
And all six eyes stared fixedly on you
The father's eyes said "Beautiful!
How beautiful you are!"
The boy's eyes said
"How beautiful!
She shimmers like a star!"
The childs eyes uttered nothing
But a mute and utter joy
And filled my heart with shame for us
At the way we are
I turned to look at you
To read my thoughts upon your face
And gazed so deep into your eyes
So beautiful and strange
Until you spoke
And showed me understanding is a dream
"I hate these people staring
Make them go away from me!"
The fathers eyes said "Beautiful!
How beautiful you are!"
The boys eyes said
"How beautiful! She glitters like a star!"
The child's eyes uttered joy
And stilled my heart with sadness
For the way we are
And this is why I hate you
And how I understand
That no-one ever knows or loves another
Or loves another
... and here it is, in catalan
Vols saber per què t'odio? Bé, m'intentaré explicar. Te'n recordes d'aquell dia a Paris quan deambulavem sota la pluja? Ens vam prometre l'un a l'altre que sempre pensaríem igual, i viure aquell somni de ser dues ànimes en una...
Ens vam parar a la posta del sol, esperant la nit, fora dels edficis brillants de vidres brillant i llum (burning light, collons! com collons es diu això? xD)
I en un carrer al nostre costat, estava parat un home vestit de gris, que sostenia un nen a l'esquena i un altre noiet somrient agafat de la mà. Els tres anaven fets uns pordioseros (no ho diu així però bueno) i eren prims com l'aire... I els sis ulls van començar a mirar-te fixament.
Els ulls del pare deien "Que bonica, que bonica que ets". Els ulls del noiet deien "Que bonica, que bonica que ets". Els ulls del nen petit no deien res, però una callada i profunda joy (joy collons, joy vale? com... alegria) I se'm va omplir el cor de llàstima per la manera com som....
Em vaig girar cap a tu per llegir els meus pensaments a la teva cara i endisar-me profundament dins dels teus ulls tan bonics i extranys.
A partir del moment que vas obrir la boca vaig entendre que tot era un somni: "ODIO AQUESTA GENT MIRANT-ME, QUE S'APARTIN DE MI"
I aquesta és la raó per la cual t'odio i com vaig entendre que mai ningú coneix ni estima a algú altre...
The End!
Mare meva, com pot sonar tan cutre en català? :S Però bueno, espero que si més no us hagi quedat el sentit profund i preciós de la cançó. Cançó de desamor i de crítica cap a l'ésser humà.... PRECIOSA.
Ah i bueno, molt millor en anglès... Demano disuclpes a vosaltres i al gran Robert Smith per haver-la xafat d'aquesta manera!
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