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Per mi són dels millors grups que hi ha actualment de música indie.
El video que us planto és el que han fet ells, l'unic que he trobat del cd nou. La cançó és Love and terror. És bona, molt bona... però no és de les millors.
Per sort amb aquest cd, el segon, no han patit l'efecte que pateixen molts grups (un clar exemple, Bloc Party) que fa que empitjorin amb els anys. Al contrari, segueixen en su línia, i com que ha passat temps des del primer, les ganes de tornar-los a veure eren fortes, i no em sona ni repetitiu, ni más de lo mismo, ni res semblant.
Si us molen els Klaxons, els Killers (els que no sortien a los 40 principales), els The Bravery i tota aquesta gent, penso que us encantaran els Cinematics.
Per als que no ho sabeu, que suposo que sou tots (juas, dit així sembla que em llegeixin la òstia de persones, no?) els Cinematics donen nom a aquest blog, amb Maybe Someday :)
Please could you hold this
I can't take it anymore
I'm bruised and broken
Rest my head against the floor
Well, I'm fed up with this train of events
Wondering what to do next
Yeah, I'm fed up with this train of events
Nothing is making sense
No blood, sweat or tears
You go your way
I'll go my way
But someday
We may meet
You go your way
I'll go my way
But someday
We may meet
Maybe someday
The TV throws its light across the bedroom floor
We're locked in silence
I can't take this anymore
'Cos I'm fed up with this train of events
Wondering what I'll do next
Yeah, I'm fed up with this train of events
Nothing is making sense
Well, I know I'll lose, I lose every time
You go your way
I'll go my way
And someday
We may meet
You go your way
I'll go my way
And someday
We may meet
Oh, maybe someday
Oh, maybe someday
You go your way
And I'll go my way
We may meet
You go your way
I'll go my way
And someday
We may meet
You go your way
I'll go my way
We may meet
You go your way, I'll go my way
You go your way, I'll go my way
You go your way, I'll go my way
You go your way, I'll go my way
Oh, maybe someday
Oh, maybe someday
Please could you hold this
I can't take it anymore
I'm bruised and broken
Rest my head against the floor
Well, I'm fed up with this train of events
Wondering what to do next
Yeah, I'm fed up with this train of events
Nothing is making sense
No blood, sweat or tears
You go your way
I'll go my way
But someday
We may meet
You go your way
I'll go my way
But someday
We may meet
Maybe someday
The TV throws its light across the bedroom floor
We're locked in silence
I can't take this anymore
'Cos I'm fed up with this train of events
Wondering what I'll do next
Yeah, I'm fed up with this train of events
Nothing is making sense
Well, I know I'll lose, I lose every time
You go your way
I'll go my way
And someday
We may meet
You go your way
I'll go my way
And someday
We may meet
Oh, maybe someday
Oh, maybe someday
You go your way
And I'll go my way
We may meet
You go your way
I'll go my way
And someday
We may meet
You go your way
I'll go my way
We may meet
You go your way, I'll go my way
You go your way, I'll go my way
You go your way, I'll go my way
You go your way, I'll go my way
Oh, maybe someday
Oh, maybe someday
1 comentari:
Jo no els conec i si que sonen bé !!
Sobretot la segona, gràcies per la recomanació.
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